• We are an intergenerational church where families worship together and children are encouraged to be active participants and leaders in praise and prayer.
  • We prioritize education and discipleship, offering classes for all ages between worship services as well as many more specific opportunities for learning and growing together throughout the week.
  • We value putting faith into action, encouraging children and families to serve together and fellowship with one another on a regular basis.




LPC offers children, as well as adults, a chance to learn about God’s Word every Sunday from 9:45 until 10:45 a.m. Children’s classes are organized according to age groups and taught by vibrant, exciting, and knowledgeable Christian teachers.


Preschool – 4th Grade Classes:

These classes are journeying chronologically through the Bible learning about God and His great love for them, and about how what they learn about in class can be applied to their lives.


Engage 5th and 6th Grade Class:

This class is delving into deep topics that preteens begin to have questions about as they strive to make their faith their own. Each week, they discuss a hard to answer faith question and look at what the Bible has to say about it.


Worship Together as a Family

At LPC, we encourage families to worship together. We welcome children of all ages in corporate worship. We encourage them not only to take part in the service, but to take part in leading or serving during worship. They may lead the Call to Worship, help take up the offering, or even perform during the service.

We offer coloring pages, children’s Bibles, and other worship prompts and sermon note pages to help children stay engaged during the service.

If you choose to come to our 8:30 a.m. Traditional Service, children age three through second grade may choose to go to “Children’s Church” for an age appropriate and fun lesson on the sermon topic. This happens during the sermon time.


Nursery Care:

Nursery care is provided for children three and under. The nursery provides a warm, loving, fun and safe environment for children. LPC offers this childcare during both Sunday morning worship services and Sunday School.

Nursery care may also be arranged at other times, allowing parents to participate in special events and Bible study courses, such as Wednesday Nights Together.


WNT Kids 


Explore (for children age 4 through 4th grade): 

During the fall and spring sessions of Wednesday Nights Together, LPC offers special themed classes for children. During this time, the children engage in both large and small group gatherings where they’ll worship and learn Biblical truths through games, activities, skits, etc. Each group may also participate in small service or mission projects during their time together. 

Engage 56 (for children in 5th and 6th grade): 

During Wednesday Nights Together there is also a small group for all students in fifth and sixth grade. On these evenings, tweens will dive deep into Biblically-based studies, have fellowship, and do many fun activities. This group also meets at other times to do service projects and have other exciting outings.



For children age 5 through 6th grade

During the September – November session of WNT, the LPC Children’s Choir begins practicing for a Christmas Musical that they will perform in December during worship. 


During the January – March session of WNT this choir learns various styles of songs, and then they sing those songs during worship on specified dates.


Childcare Option:

This option is for those children who choose not to participate in the musical/choir time, but whose parents are taking adult classes during WNT, and for those who are not old enough to participate in the musical but who have siblings in it.


Celebrating Milestones:

At LPC we believe in celebrating each child’s milestone moments with their family. We have special classes and ceremonies or events to mark children’s transitions to each new stage.

Family Events:

These events are usually scheduled on weekends, and provide families with fun and meaningful experiences. They vary, but have included, Easter Journeys, Family Christmas Celebrations, and Fall Fun.

Vacation Bible School: 

This weeklong summer experience, for children 4 years old through 6th grade is a terrific themed program put on by many dedicated Christians. Children enjoy going from station to station learning the night’s Bible truth through music, snack, missions, crafts/science, games, and drama. On the final evening of VBS, the participants’ families are invited to stay, join in the fun, and hear a program. It’s a fun-filled week of wonder and excitement!